About Me
I am a fourth-year Software Engineering major at Drexel University, set to graduate in the spring of 2025. I have been studying software engineering since my sophomore
year of high school.
My background in the field starts from a story that dates back to my freshman year of high school. During this time, schedules were made for all the students based on the
results of a placement test to determine what level classes incoming freshman should be placed in. A gym class was automatically put into our schedules. I will admit, I never
really enjoyed gym class, so I was looking for any way to get out of it when given the chance. That chance came in the form of being able to handpick our schedules going forward.
Through the grapevine, I had heard that if you overloaded your schedule with electives, the gym class wouldn't get put into your schedule. I looked at the available electives, and
the one that caught my attention was "Computer Programming I". The class was using Visual Basic and introductory Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. I excelled in this class,
maintaining a 100% average through the entire year, finding that the work I was doing was enjoyable and interesting. The following two years, I took Computer Programming II and III,
learning the C++ and Java langauages respectively, excelling in the same manner I did in Computer Programming I.
It was at this time as well where I was being pestered with the "what are you thinking of pursuing in college and in life" and the "you need to figure out what you want to study in college"
by family. I would always give them the same answer of "I'm not too sure yet, but I'll figure it out". Eventually the realization hit me. There was a subject that I enjoyed studying and
excelled: computer programming. From that point on, I decided I would pursue a career in computer programming.
And yes. I did get out of those gym classes.